Peanut Butter and Marmite Semolina

This is another semolina recipe and once again it's very tasty. Don't be put off by the odd combination of peanut butter and marmite and don't be put off by your memories of terrible semolina from school.


  1. 15g butter or 2 tbsp olive oil

  2. 15g sunflower seeds

  3. 150g semolina

  4. 350ml boiling water

  5. 1 tbsp marmite or equivalent

  6. 1 tbsp peanut butter

  7. 1 more tbsp peanut butter, crunchy is best



  • Melt the butter in a frying pan on a medium heat.

  • Add the sunflower seeds and semolina.

  • Fry these together, stirring frequently, until the semolina starts to toast/change colour. This should take about 5 to 10 minutes.

  • While frying this dissolve one spoon of peanut butter and one spoon of marmite into the boiling water.

  • When the semolina is toasted pour in the water mixture and stir continuously until all the water is absorbed.

  • Put the semolina into a bowl and lightly stir in the other spoon of peanut butter.

  • Eat with a fork and freshly milled black pepper or chilli flakes over the top.

Serves 1.


  1. lol...i'm guessing you have a lot of semolina to use up XD. Given that marmite and peanut butter on bread is tasty this actually sounds quite good.


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